Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thing #10

I like Albany's T.S. wiki. This is something I've been thinking of trying for the cataloging manual. Much easier to update and distribute than our current paper manual. However, can I get the catalogers to use it? Much easier to open the notebook than to log into the correct site.
We could also use this for a T.S. procedures manual -- which is long overdue.
1) find time to do this
2) get staff on board
3) choose a type of wiki
4) set up wiki
5) transfer/create information
6) update the darn thing!
It may happen some day, but first I've got 13 more stick things to deal with.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thing #9

Okay, yes, Google Docs is a very cool thing -- but did they have to make it so hard to find that out? Obviously, I've taken too long to get to Thing 9, because the link to Google Docs from the 23 Things site was no longer valid. The info about not having to sign up for an account on Zoho does not appear to be true. I uploaded the exact document they linked to (image of manuscript of Declaration of Independence) to Google Docs, but was not able to edit it (because it's a picture, and not text?). Finally ended up finding a text version elsewhere and uploading it to Google Docs, but was so frustrated by this point that I had NO FUN editing it. Okay, so maybe it's not supposed to be fun. Anyway, I get the point. Google Docs is cool. Zoho might be cool too, if I were willing to sign up for yet another account on the 'net. Consider Thing 9 completed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008